Zombie Template

Anything that was once living can become a zombie. If wanting to turn a creature into a zombie version of themselves, apply the following perimeters to the creature’s stats. Creatures that are already undead cannot become a zombie.

Creature Alterations

Statistics, Instincts, and Skills

-2 (minimum zero)


Remains the same as the original creature


Remains on the creature as is.

Attack & Damage

Attacks become claw and bite. Accuracy is based on the new fighting statistic. Damage is based on the size of the creature plus their might score.


Is reduced to zero.


Reduced to one. Zombie creatures have to have their brains destroyed in order to die. Damage done to their body does not harm them but can limit or restrict them.


Changes to none.


Remains the same as the original creature.


Reduced by twenty feet (min. 15ft.)


Any organics become rotten. Any equipment on the body stays on them unless it falls off in movement or is held.


Remains the same as the original creature.

Special Abilities

Gains zombie rot (unless animated from the Animate Dead spell), and immune to fear from the zombie’s special abilities. Keeps all abilities that are genetic (i.e. dragon’s breath and maul).


Add undead.

Zombie Damage

Cover image: Essence and Energy Logo by Alexander Foerster
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