
This spell can only be channeled using the same energy type that is being channeled by the target, and you must know the spell being channeled. Using two counter actions, you send large amounts of the same energy the target is using to channel their spell at them. The target must make a psyche check to resist the surge of additional energy or their spell ends and they over channel along with gaining one wild energy surge. The negative effects of being forced to over channel are doubled.

Level: 10
Requirements: Channeling 10
Energy Type: Same type
Cost: Equal to the targets spell cost
Actions: 2 counter
Damage: Based on the spell being over channeled x2
Difficulty: Psyche
Duration: Instant
Range: 40ft.
Special: because of the intense amount of energy, the channeler of this spell must make an insanity check once the spell has finished.
Targets: 1

Cover image: Essence and Energy Logo by Alexander Foerster
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