My Final Record
This is the last recording I make before I return to my other existence. I have travelled this world from its conception and have led many of its inhabitance on with who I really am. To those people who find this, please know that I hid my identity as it would have caused a completely unique reaction which would have prevented my goals. I say this with the knowledge of knowing all outcomes, had I revealed the truth about myself. I did not wish to be worshipped as a deity during my time as Gorgus the Calm, but wished to explore the world Gaia and her Cyclops had created. Unbiased without my true self, causing conflicts with those I met along my journey.
As this is my last record, I know explaining who I am and why I choose to explore this world without my powers is safe. I know this because I can see all outcomes based on who will find this record. I have one last request for those who find this record. Please keep the truth of who Gorgus the Calm really was a secret when you publish my findings for public records; which one day all but a few will be discovered and published. Those not discovered will be lost forever, but fear not, as their significance is nothing compared to the others.
I hope to have the exploration records I have made to be an aid in building a better world for all of you. I have experienced the creation of many worlds, along with their fall, and wish for this world to be different. To learn about the connection between the void and my creations, I went against my own laws and interfered with a world’s development.
As a side note, yes, the void is real and one of you specifically will understand what this means. Please do not spend any extra energy trying to convince others to ignore its existence. They will continue to seek the truth of the void and you cannot stop them. Their sanity is not your responsibility and I will guide their essence onto the next life to ensure their essence is not corrupted.
As for the void, it has existed for as long as time, if not longer. This information is irrelevant for the inhabitance to discover as the void is an unreachable place for them. It is something I know you will attempt to discover and research, but I beg you to leave your curiosity and seek other science that will better your world. The void is not to be taken lightly, yet I already know some of you will ignore my warning and I mourn for your loss of sanity. Worlds who have dedicated their lives to discovering the truth about the void have inevitably destroyed themselves. So, I plead with you to give up the exploration into the void. That is a task for those who are beyond your ability to grasp their true power. A task for someone such as myself, in my true form.
I tell you about the void’s existence because I understand that research has already begun. Knowing the outcome is why I am leaving this last record, as I am aware it will shift the future to prevent your world’s destruction again.
I leave you with one final bit of information about your world. The deities that most worship are real, and we are watching. We all are hoping you will be the one world that doesn’t fail in its existence. Learn from your history. From the former Empire of Ba. From my records. So that all creatures of this world may thrive and continue to exist throughout time. I beg of you to stay strong and survive so that I and my fellow entities can continue to live alongside you.
- Deity of Time and Space
- Gorgus the Calm
- The Explorer