Wind Blade

Create a slashing melee weapon out of air. Think of a slashing melee weapon from the marketplace chapter. It materializes in your hand upon completion of this spell and is made of flowing air. It resembles the actual melee weapon and deals the same amount of damage. Critical strikes deal slashing damage but have the critical strike range increased by one increment. Weapons made of air are slashing weapons.

Wind blades do not have a durability. If they are targeted, the attack goes through the weapon, leaving it unharmed. If disarmed, the weapon vanishes after ten seconds.

Level: 2
Energy Type: Elemental (air)
Cost: 6
Actions: 2
Damage: Based on the weapon
Damage Type: Based on the weapon
Duration: 10 minutes
Object: 1
Range: Self
Critical Effect: The critical range of the weapon is increased by one increment.

Cover image: Essence and Energy Logo by Alexander Foerster
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