Sticky Icky

At the location of your choosing that is within the indicated range of the spell, a black liquid bubbles up from the surface that is thick and sticky. Any creature that moves through the area of effect must make a guts check or be slowed. Moving through the area of effect causes the indicated damage per every five feet of movement and causes the target’s movement speed to be reduced by half for the duration of the spell. Leaving the area of effect does not remove the movement penalty as the sticky liquid remains stuck to you until the spell ends. This liquid is not flammable and can easily extinguish torches and flames of a similar size.

Level: 3
Energy Type: Necrosis
Cost: 8
Actions: 2
Damage: 1d6 per every five feet
Damage Type: Negative
Difficulty: Guts
Duration: 30 seconds
Range: 30ft.
Targets: AoE, 15ft. plane

Cover image: Essence and Energy Logo by Alexander Foerster
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