Force Barrier

Create a transparent wall that has a width of 5ft. The length of the wall can be extended out to a maximum of 30ft. long and 20ft. tall. It can be shaped to create corners or circles. The wall must be connected to the ground and cannot be created midair.

Anything inside the wall must make a guts check or fall prone from the gravitational force pushing downward. Anyone prone in the wall must make a guts check to stand up and another to move out of the wall. Remaining in the wall for two or more rounds causes force damage each round.

Changing the force’s direction up launches everything that is not held down inside the wall, fifteen feet upward. A guts check can be made if anyone in the wall has an anchor to hold on to, in order to not be launched in the air. If there is a ceiling above the wall, fall damage is applied.

Focus Spell
Level: 3
Energy Type: Force
Cost: 7
Actions: 2
Damage: 1d6 + might
Damage Type: Force
Duration: 1 minute
Difficulty: Guts
Max Size: W: 5ft., L: 30ft., H: 20ft.
Range: 30ft.
Special: The wall can be moved up to 10ft. using one action.

Cover image: Essence and Energy Logo by Alexander Foerster
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