
A ball of fire forms at the tip of your conduit right before it hurls towards the designated location within the spell range. Upon reaching the location, the ball explodes into a minimum ten-foot radius sphere. Anything within the sphere must make a reaction check to move out of the area of effect or take the indicated damage.

The size of the fireball can be increased through additional essence using spell boosting. However, the area of effect cannot be boosted, as it is based on how much the damage is increased. Every damage die boost increases the size of the ball’s area of effect by five feet. Every two damage die increased, the number of actions required increases by one. If the required actions increase past five, channeling this spell requires multiple turns.

So, if boosting the damage five times, it would be 7d8 fire damage in a thirty-five-foot radius sphere. However, the cost of the spell would be twenty-six essence and requires four actions which most times would cause over channeling.

Level: 6
Energy Type: Elemental (Fire)
Cost: 6+
Actions: 2+
Damage: 2d8+
Damage Type: Fire
Difficulty: Reaction
Range: 60ft.
Targets: AoE, 10+ft. sphere

Cover image: Essence and Energy Logo by Alexander Foerster
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