
The ground, at a point within the spells, indicated range, shakes and breaks apart violently. The ground erupts, cracking apart into large slabs of earth and causing fissures and shallow gaps. At the beginning of each creature’s turn, a guts check must be made in order to not fall prone. Buildings, posts, walls, and other objects that have been put into the ground take the specified durability damage. Any objects on top of the ground take half the indicated durability damage. Objects on ledges or shelves fall and take damage as if they were on the ground. All movement within the area of effect is difficult movement. Once the spell’s effects have ended, the ground remains destroyed.

Level: 3
Energy Type: Elemental (Earth)
Cost: 8
Actions: 2
Damage: 1d10 durability
Difficulty: Guts
Duration: 30 seconds
Range: 80ft.
Targets: AoE, 20ft. plane

Cover image: Essence and Energy Logo by Alexander Foerster
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